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Summer's Dragon Page 5

  If her stomach had not growled again, the woman would have had words. As it was, he had her exactly where he wanted her, and he knew it. With a shrug, she shook her head and took the fish. “Alright, Carrington, is this the part where we make small talk? Or can we talk about bigger things?”

  Carrington pulled a second fish from the fire and added a few other things to it as he replied, “It’s up to you. Keep in mind I do get right of refusal if you want to bring up something that makes me squirm.”

  “And what would make a handsome young man like you squirm? The fact that you aren’t human?” He gave her a knowing smile and she laughed. Pressing forward, she tried again. “Perhaps I should steer the conversation towards the bedroom.”

  Carrington placed the small spread beside her and leaned back, his face partially hidden in the shadows. “Ah, one of my favorite topics, second only to the sounds that you can make in the bedroom.”

  Summer found her face flushing, and she noted the way it felt as if her stomach had been pulled out of her at his words. Something from the way he was postured told her that the man was making an exception for her. Hesitantly, she offered, “So you are a womanizer then.”

  This got a full round of laughter that scared some of the birds from nearby trees. “My dear Summer, I never do anything that a person doesn’t ask for.”

  “And if I were to ask?”

  The silence was so thick that it felt like a cold bucket of water had been frozen over them. Slowly, he stood up and turned his back to her. “You have asked me to help you with something else. You have no interest in me in that way.”

  Summer felt flustered and a little hurt. “I haven’t asked you for anything.”

  “You did.” He pulled a small dagger out of his pocket and threw it at the ground. “Your eyes begged me to help you find the man from your dreams.”

  “I also told you that you owe me nothing.”

  There was a strange sound from the man as he moved like a serpent toward the dagger. “I am not one to let a woman run off and get herself killed after such an ordeal. What kind of monster do you think I am?” He spoke without any questions, and it was clear he did not want an answer.

  Carrington stopped walking and stared at the ground. Feeling upset, Summer retorted, “You are the kind of monster who would consider killing a helpless woman as she lay unconscious in front of him.”

  She saw the way the man’s shoulders tensed and knew she had gone too far. “I’m sorry. That was not fair. You must have your reasons, but please, do not ask for my opinion when I know next to nothing about you.”

  The man leaned over and picked up his dagger. Stuck to the end of it was a small creature that looked like a rat. Its feet were still twitching in the final spasms following death. Tossing it aside, he responded, “Don’t worry about it. I don’t need your apologies.” He wiped the dagger on a leaf and slipped it back into his clothing. If she hadn’t seen it, Summer would never have known that he was armed. Stepping further into the shadows, he let his voice grow louder. “I already know how this is going to play out and the last thing I want is an apology from you. I have made my choice and I’m not going to go back on it. Besides, you will hate me once you find out the truth anyway.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  All she could see were the man’s black eyes as he looked at her. “The man you are looking for is long gone.”

  His words hit her like the dagger he had thrown at the creature. Unwilling to believe him, she narrowed her eyes. “You don’t even know who I am looking for.”

  “Oh yes, I do. I really, really do.” He watched as her shoulders slumped. As if to make some sort of amends, he continued, “He isn’t dead, but he is going to disappoint you.”

  Summer cocked her head. “So you do know who I am.” The look he gave her told her everything she needed to know. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?” There was some hurt in her voice as she looked at him.

  “I am using my right to revoke the conversation.” He moved back to the fire and sat with his back partially to her. “So how is the fish?”

  “So we are going with small talk?”

  “It seems the safest way to go at the moment. I’m not looking for a fight.”

  Summer could not hide her disappointment as she looked at the man, but she wasn’t about to press him. He was helping her, and it was obvious that he didn’t have to. The fact that he knew who she was looking for made her feel even more guilty because she had no idea who he was. The look of pain and pleading in his eyes made more sense now that she knew that they had once known each other.

  Looking down at her nearly finished meal, Summer smiled and looked back up at Carrington. “It’s really good. If I used to eat like this regularly, it’s no wonder I felt some joy at coming back. There is no eating once you die. Even if you move on, food is a thing of the past. It’s something only the living can enjoy.”

  “Would you say you missed it more than breathing?”

  The woman laughed into her fish, little pieces flying out as she tried to cover her mouth. “Air has its good qualities, but it doesn’t have anything on fish. There are times when it can be a real burden, too. I didn’t miss the breathing so much. The feeling of warmth was nice. I really missed that. Then again, I was incredibly lucky when I was alive.”

  “Yes, it’s true, it’s difficult to be warm when you don’t have a body.”

  “Truer words were never spoken.” She picked up the second fish and took a bite.

  “Wrong.” The man’s voice was nearly a whisper as he said it.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said worrying. You are going through the fish at an alarming pace, and I fear that I will need to return to the stream.”

  Summer slowed her chewing and watched as the man poked at the fire. She knew what he said and was unsure why he was hiding it. Pressing him wasn’t likely to go well, so she opted to follow his current topic of choice. “I’m nearly full, so no need to worry.”

  He looked askance at her, then stood up. “I was kidding. I’ve saved plenty of other food over there, so you can eat as much as you like whenever you like. As long as you continue to want fish.”

  She laughed and leaned back, her eyes following the man as he walked around the fire. He’s patrolling. The thought was startling, but she knew it to be true. Carrington was nervous about something. You are being tracked by a lesser god. Of course he’s on edge. Putting the fish down, she sat up and scratched her forehead. Small talk was incredibly difficult, especially with so many important topics to discuss. Since she wasn’t sure which ones he would nix and which he would welcome, she decided that he could make the choice. She would come up with the topics. “Carrington isn’t a name from around here.”

  “And how would you know that?” His eyes were facing outward away from the fire as he stalked near the trees.

  “We are in, or near, Senones. I know this just like I knew that I woke in the City of the Dead. It’s part of the innate knowledge that is so frustratingly holey where it counts.”

  The man laughed at her words, then covered his mouth and coughed. “Yes, incredibly holy. You may want to turn it into a religion.”

  “Not funny.” She smiled as she tried to reprimand him. “Still, my point stands, Carrington isn’t a name from around here.”

  “I am decidedly not from here.” He continued to face away from her.

  “That’s because we are from neighboring countries.”

  Carrington whipped around and stared at her. She could tell that her words put him on edge, and his current reflexes were fight or flight. “Don’t worry, I don’t remember where we were born, who I am, or who you really are. So, no problem.” Her smile was pained as she watched him turn from her.

  “Sure.” Suddenly he tensed. “Put out the fire. Damn it, that was so stupid of me.”

  “What?” She looked around them.

  Seeing that Summer wasn’t going to act fast enough, Carrington flicked
his hand. Sand rose from the shadows and poured onto the fire, extinguishing it within seconds.

  Summer had stepped back and watched in awe. “You aren’t a wizard or sorcerer. I know you aren’t.”

  “Very good. Now we need to get moving.”

  A voice from the edge of the woods rang out, “And just where do you think you will be running off to this time? I still have some words for you.”

  Chapter 4

  Preparing and Deception

  A young man with white hair stepped into the clearing, and Summer looked between the pair. The tension melted away from Carrington.

  “Ye gods, Mr. Flirty, but you have some of the best timing. I will make time for you.”

  The handsome man waved a hand. “No, no, those pretty words are not going to get me again. You left without a word and left me to contend with everyone else– Hold up, who’s this?” The young man took a while, but he finally realized that Carrington wasn’t alone.

  Half-pixie. She had no idea where the thought came from, but Summer was sure of the man’s genetics just as she had been certain of her location at any given time.

  Summer’s companion closed the space between him and the new arrival. “Come on, Jaylon, there is no need to talk about anyone else with you here.”

  The man named Jaylon gave Carrington a slight push, a flush rising on his cheeks. “I’m not falling for that again, H–” Before he could finish, Carrington had pulled him into a kiss. Summer’s eyes went wide as the man with white hair initially flailed, then leaned into the kiss. Her face flushed as she watched. Embarrassed, she looked away.

  Carrington’s voice was clear as he said, “That’s a message for our mutual friend.”

  Jaylon spluttered for a moment before he finally found the words he was looking for. “What? What the hell does that mean? Look, I don’t like–” Suddenly he went silent. Too embarrassed to look at the pair, Summer turned and walked some distance away from them.

  Carrington’s voice was carefree as he said, “Focus on the message. It’s important and I need you to convey it accurately.”

  “Good lord, you know that Noely will kill me if I try that on Cyprian.”

  Summer stumbled at the name. Cyprian. I know Cyprian. Casting a quick look at the pair, she noticed Carrington look away from her. Unsure if he saw her stumble, she acted as if everything was fine. Pulling up a few blades of grass, she sat down and began to weave something, though she wasn’t sure what. She did not hear the rest of the conversation as her mind was intent on retrieving a memory of a man named Cyprian. The first thing that came to her was a gorgeous smile and a soft voice. Any idea that he might be the man that she sought was soon dismissed as she compared his voice to the memory of the pleading man. Even if he wasn’t the man she was looking for, the thought of Cyprian made her smile and she closed her eyes to enjoy the few flashes of him that she could. He must have been a teacher or something because her memories focused on him demonstrating different techniques and ideas. She was somewhat shocked to find that mixed in there were a few fighting moves, and she couldn’t help but move her arms in the same manner Cyprian did.

  “And just what do you think you are doing there?”

  Summer opened her eyes and saw Jaylon standing over her. “I’m just practicing moves that I haven’t had the pleasure of using in a while.”

  “Really? And what is a while, if I may ask?” His smile was infectious.

  “I couldn’t really say.”

  “She has a terrible memory,” Carrington cut in.

  “Is that what you are after now? Hoping to be able to hide behind a string of women who can’t remember who you are?”

  Summer looked up at the two who were standing slightly apart from each other. Jaylon was in the sun like her, but Carrington was strategically hidden under shade. A small part of her questioned how he managed to appear to be in so much shadow, but she wasn’t about to question him aloud. “He’s not hiding behind me, so don’t worry. He’s just helping me until I can remember what I’ve forgotten.”

  “Oh, he doesn’t do anything without expecting something in return. That’s just not the way this man operates.” He nudged Carrington. “I should know. Do you think that he brought me back to Senones out of a sense of kindness?” Jaylon laughed.

  “Oh, you are such a riot, I could kiss you all over again.”

  At the words, Jaylon stepped back. “Oh no, you don’t. I’m not taking any more messages for anyone else. If you are that lonely, I feel certain there are a slew of people who will be happy to have you. I only have one heart, and I don’t need it broken by the likes of someone like you, even in the name of carrying messages.”

  Carrington laughed and scratched his head. “And here I thought you liked me.”

  Jaylon gave him a playful push. “You know you can always ask me for anything. I’m not going to delve. But be careful, alright?”

  “When have I ever been careless?”

  “The captain I knew was about as sensible and cautious as any person I’ve ever known. You are no longer that person now, so I feel that the warning is appropriate.”

  “Ah, you are breaking my heart.”

  Jaylon laughed and shook his head. “There isn’t a person alive who could touch your cold heart.” Summer watched the look the white-haired man gave Carrington, and a part of her ached at the look of longing on the man’s face. Clearly, it was one-sided, and Carrington was using it to his own advantage.

  Carrington gave his friend a smile. “Start with Noely. You have no idea just how mistrustful Phelan has gotten, and I can’t say that I blame him. What they did was not only unfair, it was cruel. I don’t know how he feels about them, but if there is any hint that they are going to hurt his Taja or their baby, Phelan is not going to go down quietly.”

  “Like you know anything about Phelan.” Jaylon gave him a wry look.

  “I met him at one of his most difficult times and learned a lot from Taja. You could call it an interesting bonding experience.” There was a strange smile on Carrington’s face.

  “Tell me you didn’t hit on her.”

  “She reminded me too much of you to ever try that. It would be like trying to seduce a pillow instead of finding a prostitute.”

  “Say what?” Jaylon laughed and shook his head. “I don’t think I care for your analogies.”

  Summer watched the smile on Carrington’s face shift a little. “That’s alright. I’m no poet, so I don’t have the best grasp on how to let you know that there is no substitute for you. Anyway. My point was that you need to get Noely to handle the situation. Given her abilities, she will keep all heads level.”

  “What about Bree?” Jaylon was looking at Carrington with a lopsided grin.

  “I'm not about to cross Calixto.”

  With another laugh, Jaylon gave Carrington a punch in the arm. “You know what I mean. She’s the sorceress, shouldn’t she be there?”

  Shaking his head, Carrington sighed. “No. I have a feeling she is going to be preoccupied elsewhere, and it would probably be for the best. She isn’t quite a substitute for what will be lost by having Noely and company out of the fight, but it is better than letting the reds take all of the glory.”

  “Fair enough. I will see what I can do. Given that I don’t know that much about what is going on, I have to trust your judgment.”

  Carrington patted him on the back, and Summer watched the look of happiness pass over Jaylon’s face at the touch. Appearing unaware, Carrington turned. “Good. Now off with you. I swear that you can have your words the next time we meet.”

  “You have yourself a deal.” Jaylon held out his hand and Carrington shook it without hesitation. The half-pixie turned as if he had forgotten something. His eyes shifted to Summer and back to Carrington. “I know it is a bit rude, but I can’t… I can’t get a read on her at all. She’s not human, but that’s the only thing I can tell for sure.”

  Carrington gave him a slight push. “You’re right.”
/>   “So does that mean…” Jaylon’s voice trailed off as his eyes fell on the woman. “I mean, she’s probably the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen, which makes me think she is part succubus or something.”

  Summer’s eyes went wide and she turned to Carrington, who burst out laughing. “Is that what you think of me? That I would trust a succubus? Good gods, but you are a fool. I meant you are right, it was rude. And now it is beyond a bit rude. Get going. You have more important things to worry about than a passing stranger.”

  Jaylon gave her an embarrassed smile. “I'm sorry. I wasn’t trying to insult you. It’s just that I think you are incredibly attractive and that’s not something that…” His eyes drifted back to Carrington.

  Summer smiled, “I understand the compliment, but I am not compelling anyone. The only one here capable of that is standing beside you.”

  “What?” Jaylon looked shocked for a minute, his eyes shifting to Carrington. “He’s a dr–”

  Carrington covered his mouth with a finger. “You have already learned the price for blabbing stuff like that. Don’t make me punish you again. You have some important tasks to complete, and I don’t have time to mete out the punishment right now.”

  Jaylon’s sharp intake of breath let Summer know that what Carrington said was more of a threat than his playful voice and smile would suggest. “Fine, but some day you are going to have to learn to stop toying with me. I may actually believe you one day.”

  A look passed over Carrington’s face, and Summer was certain that the love-struck Jaylon didn’t even notice. The smile was back in place nearly as fast as it fell. “I promise to be as good to you as I can be.”

  Jaylon’s sincere smile was painful to watch. He gave Carrington a wink. “I will hold you to that.” With that, he was gone.

  “What happened to him?” Summer was stunned by the sudden disappearance. She looked up at Carrington, who had already turned and was walking away from her. “Carrington, stop right there.”

  The man took several more steps before finally turning. Almost his entire body was in shadow as he looked at her.